
You will need to allow about 2.5 hours for an initial examination at our center. This amount of time is needed to handle administrative matters, preliminary examinations, dilating the pupil with eye drops, other special diagnostic clarifications and to discuss the findings and possible therapies. Depending on the result, the necessary treatment may be performed on the same day to save you a second trip. It is important that you allow sufficient time so that we can adequately inform you about the findings and provide you with treatment appropriate to your needs.

Please remember that after a pupil dilation examination you should not drive for about four hours.

Please bring the following to your first examination:

  • Your health insurance card
  • Copies of medical reports if applicable
  • Current medications or a current list of medications
  • Your glasses or contact lenses
  • Filled in personal data sheet (when requested in writing)


Our center is located on Sidlerstrasse 4, 4th Floor.

After your personal details have been collected, various preliminary examinations follow, such as measuring your visual acuity with and without correction using glasses as well as your eye pressure. Afterwards, the pupils are generally dilated by means of eye drops, which takes about 20 minutes. These eye drops impair vision for several hours. The checks carried out on our equipment can sometimes produce some dazzling glare, but they are not dangerous to vision. This is followed by a detailed examination of your eyes by the doctor. Depending on the findings, another doctor may be consulted to determine the best treatment option for you. Depending on the diagnosis, further additional examinations may be necessary, with the inside of the eye often also being photographed for documentation purposes.

Especially for your first consultation, we advise that you bring someone along with you. If you wish, it goes without saying that they can accompany you for most examinations, but they can also wait outside the center. These examinations require good concentration and can therefore be tiring. It may then be helpful to have someone you trust there during your conversation with the doctor. In that conversation, you will learn the diagnosis and receive a lot of information about the findings and what should be done next. Feel free to ask questions about the treatment proposed for you so as to help you evaluate it.

If immediate treatment can or must be carried out, you will be fully advised about it. Your written consent is usually required, which can be revoked at any time until the procedure.

This is also the case when an operation is planned for the treatment at a later date. It is best to arrange an appointment for the procedure and any follow-up examinations right away. If you are unable to keep an appointment, you can reschedule it later.

How to proceed will be determined on a case-by-case basis. So, please adhere to the instructions given both verbally and in writing.